Character Bios

The members of the PACK all have pasts…

Bio pic of Officer Carla Maria Hamilton

Carla Maria Hamilton:

Human Cop
Age: 36 yrs
Weight: 138 lbs
Height: 64″
Eyes: Hazel

Officer Carla Maria Hamilton has been on the streets of Brooklyn as a beat cop for almost ten years. Before that, she was the daughter of a lifelong cop who taught her about the realities of the job. Suffice it to say, she’s seen some things. Not just violent crime, or her fellow officers being injured and killed on the job. She’s seen the way that power and money stay at the top, only trickling down to the streets when it suits the people who pull the strings. She may be cynical, but she lives to serve and protect…and to crack a few good-hearted jokes at her partner, rookie James MacHaggert’s, expense.

Bio Pick of Chastity, the English Mastiff


English Mastiff
Age: Approx. 4 yrs
Weight: 215 lbs
Height: 32″ to shoulder
Eyes: Brown

What Chastity lacks in personal initiative she more than makes up for in execution as she follows the PACK’s lead. Her immunity to pain, caused by a head injury, combined with her immense size and crushing strength make her, essentially, the PACK’s enforcer. Formerly a drug mule for an international drug cartel, she was shot in the head by a corrupt police officer when he was protecting his cut of the cartel’s profits. In the aftermath of the attack, Chastity and Liberty, who came to her aid, were taken in by Patience and the still-growing PACK.

Bio Pic of Diligence, the eastern wolf


Eastern Wolf
Age: Approx. 6yrs
Weight: 85 lbs
Height: 26″ to shoulder
Eyes: Ochre

Stern, unyielding, and slightly unhinged, Diligence keeps order in the PACK and strictly enforces her own particular code of ethics. Her origins are unknown, even within the PACK–all that is clear is that she has been with Patience for longer than any of the other dogs. Patience and Diligence are so close that they often seem to move in unison, acting on the same unspoken impulses. 

Bio Pic of Elle The Journalist

Elle Farthing:

Human Journalist
Age: 28 yrs
Weight: 175 lbs
Height: 63″
Eyes: Brown

A freelance journalist who works mostly for the Brooklyn Sunday Newsprint and a variety of onlinen outlets, Elle is particularly interested in housing justice in her borough. She also covers adult entertainment industry politics under the name “Miss Elle,” but that’s a whole other story…

Bio pic of Humility, the Chihuahua/Bull Terrier mix


Bull Terrier/Chihuahua
Age: Approx. 2yrs
Weight: 25 lbs
Height: 13″ to shoulder
Eyes: Brown

Much larger in spirit than in body, Humility is the PACK’s front runner and erstwhile spokesperson, although he was the last member to join its ranks. Often leading the charge into dangerous situations, he never backs down from a fight, especially when he causes them. Humility, the unwanted offspring of a purebred English Bull Terrier and a neighbor’s unruly Chihuahua, was thrown into the East River by a backyard breeder along with the rest of his “tainted” litter. When Patience and the rest of the PACK dragged them out, Humility was the only surviving pup. He has formed a special relationship with Chastity, often using her as a step stool and/or steed.

Bio Pic of Officer James MacHaggert

James MacHaggert:

Human Cop
Age: 32 yrs
Weight: 205 lbs
Height: 74″
Eyes: Brown

Ever the Boy Scout, James MacHaggert identifies as a “good cop”—incorruptible and always by the book. But when he sets out to arrest the lawless vigilante Patience who’s been turning justice upside down all over Brooklyn, MacHaggert starts to question his values. Patience, it turns out, may not be the villain he’s made out to be. As the two develop an unlikely bond, James starts to see the corruption lurking in the shadows of his own precinct—not to mention City Hall.

Bio Pic of Kindness the Pitt Bull Terrier


Pit Bull Terrier
Age: Approx. 3yrs
Weight: 65 lbs
Height: 20″ to shoulder
Eyes: Brown (left)/Blue (right)

Though Kindness’s disposition is usually sweet and mild, the scars on his head and body—along with an occasional outburst of extreme viciousness—give away his past as a fighting dog. He was raised by a loving family until adulthood, when he was kidnapped, starved, beaten, and forced to fight for his life. Having known only love at the hands of his family, Kindness could not stand this violent new life, and eventually took his righteous anger out on his new owner. Patience found Kindness on the street, lost and injured, and took him into the PACK.

Bio Pic of Keatus young black boy


Human Civilian
Age: 12 yrs
Weight: 70 lbs
Height: 54″
Eyes: Brown

Keatus loves video games, Minimon, and anything Children of Gaia related, just like a lot of kids in his rough neighborhood in Brooklyn. The past year has been tough for him, after his father—Officer Patrick Fitzgerald of the Brooklyn Police Department—was killed during a routine patrol of the docks. His heartbroken mother hasn’t been around very much since, and the other cops from the precinct have tried to take his father’s place, but Keatus isn’t sure he trusts the boys in blue like he used to.

Bio Pic of Liberty, the German Shepherd


German Shepard
Age: Approx. 5yrs
Weight: 105 lbs
Height: 27″ to shoulder
Eyes: Brown

Disciplined, principled, and highly intelligent, Liberty was trained as a K-9 Unit dog at an early age. He took his work as an upholder of the law very seriously. In the line of duty, his human partner was shot and killed, while Chastity the Mastiff, an innocent victim in a drug-running ring, was also shot in the head. Unable to help her partner, Liberty rescued the mastiff. Patience found them together shortly afterward and added them both to the PACK.

Bio Pic of Patience, the Human Vigilante


Human Vigilante
Age: Approx. 35 yrs
Weight: 175 lbs
Height: 71″
Eyes: Hazel

Little is known about the origins of the masked vigilante who calls himself Patience. It is believed that he lives on the streets of Brooklyn as a member of a PACK of stray dogs. He considers himself to be a hero despite his depraved disregard for the law and the extreme violence he and his PACK-mates hand out to petty criminals. His developing MO—brutal violence against those who would harm the innocent—is celebrated by some and condemned by others, especially the police and politicians of Brooklyn.

Bio Pic of Sally Huffman, a Human Politician

Sally Huffman:

Human Politician
Age: 52 yrs
Weight: 145 lbs
Height: 67″
Eyes: Brown

In it to win it, the unscrupulous Sally Huffman will do whatever it takes to advance her political career, regardless of how many lives are ruined in her wake. As Brooklyn’s Borough President and a hopeful state senator, she’s got her hands in quite a few pockets and is willing to pull strings to keep them there, even if those strings mean plunging her constituency into chaos. But behind that chaos is a plan that she hopes will launch her into national politics someday.

Bio Pic of Temperance, the blue Great Dane


Blue Dane
Age: Approx. 5yrs
Weight: 210 lbs
Height: 39″ to shoulder
Eyes: Blue

Extremely intelligent, somewhat withdrawn, and sometimes rigid, Temperance is something of a mystery to the Pack. He bears a technological device implanted into the back of his head, the purpose of which is unknown. It doesn’t seem to hurt him, however, and he will not allow anyone to tamper with it—not even Patience, who found him wandering the back alleys of Red Hook, Brooklyn, and won him over with a few scraps and some kind words. He was a late addition to the PACK, and now exists as something of a loner within its ranks.

Bio Pic of Lieutenant Vincent Marcello

Vincent Marcello:

Human Cop
Age: 47 yrs
Weight: 205 lbs
Height: 72″
Eyes: Brown

On old-school Brooklyn cop with a bad attitude, Vincent has more than a few complaints on his record from civilians and colleagues alike. There’s talk that he’s been involved in questionable interactions with known criminals. Chances are, he’s found a way to get his hands into as many pockets as possible to supplement his meager income as an officer of the law. But none of that seems to matter—he’s been on the force for longer than most, and he’s not going anywhere…unfortunately.