Tag: guest art

  • The PACK Kickstarter Reached ALL Its Goals!

    The PACK Kickstarter Reached ALL Its Goals!

    We Met Our Goals! Hello, PACK friends and fans! We are excited and humbled to announce that the Kickstarter to fund printing for the first issue of PACK concluded. And when it did, it had reached every one of its funding goals! With the help of amazing supporters, Oneshi Press will print 1,000 copies of PACK #01:…

  • Reblog: Submissions for the Oneshi Press Anthology Now Open!

    Reblog: Submissions for the Oneshi Press Anthology Now Open!

    Oneshi Press, the publisher of PACK, is creating a quarterly comics anthology! The first anthology, due out in July, will feature eight pages of PACK, as well as three other eight-page stories. Right now, Oneshi Press is looking for submissions of graphic works, guest art, and advertisements for their second anthology! The following blog, containing detailed information about…